LPR’s Summer 2024 Launch & Reading

Please join LPR for our Summer 2024 Launch & Reading on Sunday, June 23rd at Oliver’s Carriage House. We are excited to share the works of our contributors in the new edition and welcome our audience to share in that excitement. Take a sneak peak at the Editor’s Note and our new Summer ’24 cover.

A note from our Editor, Sarah Berger

This issue feels special in a number of ways, and one of them is its element of generational diversity. This spectrum of perspectives ranges from kids and teenagers making sense of the nonsense of the world in the stories “Wingspan” by Rachel Furey and “Scare the Shit Out of Everybody” by Jody Hobbs Hesler, to individuals or couples looking back on the long lives and relationships behind them, exemplified in Steve Coughlin’s poem “Next House Over” and Michael Moran’s story“I Am Lighted by Your Love and Do Not Fear the Dark.” (By way of content warning, the latter story mentions the loss of a child.) In every piece in this issue, we witness people all along the spectrum of age and experience managing the difficult and beautiful work of being human. Another special element of this issue is the deep humanity in theworks of our two profiled artists, author Dolen Perkins-Valdez and musician Scott Patterson. Perkins-Valdez brings the past alive in her historical fiction, and Patterson, through his Gesamtkunstwerk pieces combining music, text, costume and drama, brings imagined future worlds into stunning, immersive reality. It’s such a pleasure to present artists who spark our interest in new genres, or who might make us look up from the printed page altogether. Finally, we are delighted to share the work of poets Marc Drexler, Kate Shine, and Preet Bhela, the winner and finalists of the 2024 Enoch Pratt Poetry Contest. From all my perspectives as editor, writer, and lover of writing, I joy in the knitting together of different writing and art-making communities that happens within these pages.

-Sarah Berger

Contributors of Our Summer ’24 Publication

In order as the images appear from left to right, Tohm Bakelas, Preet Bhela, Michael Cannistraci, Xochi Cartland, Aaron Caycedo-Kimura, Allisa Cherry, Doug Fritock, Rachel Furey, LB Bee, Zach Murphy, Barry Peters, Allen Price, Donna Pucciani, Kate Shine Powell.

Please find our event brite links below where you can get your free ticket to the Launch & Reading. We offer both in person and virtual attendance options.

In Person ticket

Virtual ticket

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